Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law:
Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law and the specific Chain of Responsibility Duties no heavy vehicle may travel on a road when loaded in excess of its allowable mass and dimension limits. General dimension and mass limits apply to all heavy vehicles, unless operating on approved route or under an accreditation or exemption, or a permit that allows an approved increase in mass and dimension limits at that time.
Overloaded and oversize heavy vehicles have a disproportionate impact on public infrastructure and where an overloaded heavy vehicle is involved in a crash, the likely outcomes are more serious. Mass can also be an issue in heavy vehicle stability. High, dense loads result in a high centre of gravity and can increase the risk of roll-overs.
Mass, dimension and restraint can also be related because a poorly restrained and distributed load can result in instability, and it can result in other vehicle and road surface impacts.
Mass Limits
Mass limits are set according to the following mass management options which include:
General Mass Limits, or GML apply to all heavy vehicles and is the allowable mass unless the vehicle is operating under an accreditation or an exemption under the HVNL. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator or NHVR, has developed a “Common Heavy Freight Vehicle Configurations” chart that can be used for guidance.
Concessional Mass Limits (CML) allow a heavy vehicle to operate mass limits 5% above the GML where the Operator is accredited under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS).
General Dimension Limits
General dimension requirements may relate to the dimensions (width, height, length, overhang) of a:
The general WIDTH limit for a vehicle is 2.5 metres.
The general HEIGHT limit for a vehicle is 4.3 metres.
The maximum allowable length of a heavy vehicle is:
Managing Mass & Dimension Limits in your Business
The general requirements for Managing Mass & Dimension Limits in your Business include:
Zenergy eLearning Program – Chain of Responsibility (CoR): Mass, Dimension and Load Restraint
Zenergy has a range of Chain of Responsibility (CoR) eLearning training topics including Chain of Responsibility (CoR): Mass, Dimension and Load Restraint. This course is designed for This course is designed for Schedulers, Consignors, Consignees, Packers, Loading Managers, Loaders/ Unloaders and includes the requirements and obligations of Mass, Dimension and Load Restraint under the Chain of Responsibility and the Heavy Vehicle National Law.
This course includes Module 2. Mass and Dimension Limits which provides a n overview of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and Regulations requirements and obligations for Mass and Dimension Limits, an outline of the requirements for General, Concessional, and Higher Mass Limits, and practical solutions to manage the risk of mass and dimension limits in your business including scheduling loads, accuracy of information, and monitoring compliance.
Zenergy – Heavy Vehicle National Law and Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
Zenergy experienced consultants can assist in the development of CoR Transport Safety Management System (TSMS) documentation and conducting independent audits of your Management System documentation for management of transport safety including Chain of Responsibility (CoR) provision to ensure meets their responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).
For more information on our services feel free to email us at
info@zenergygroup.com.au or call
1300 333 400.
Contact Us
For more information on our services feel free to email us on -
info@zenergygroup.com.au or call 1300 333 400
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Sydney NSW 2010
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Brisbane QLD 4000
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