Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) the primary duty of all relevant duty holders is to ensure that all heavy vehicle journeys can be completed within legal speed limits. From a Chain of Responsibility perspective, “Each party must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the party’s conduct does not cause or encourage the driver of the heavy vehicle to exceed a speed limit applying to the driver.”
Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law the maximum speed limit for heavy vehicles is 100km/hr unless a lower speed applies to the section of road and a road train must not travel at a speed that exceeds 90km/hr.
The key elements of Managing speed in your business include:
Licensing and training requirements include having drivers provide a record of their driving history before commencing employment as well as ongoing checks during employment and confirming that drivers are licensed for the heavy vehicle or combination they are operating. This also includes ensuring drivers agree to adhere to Australian Road Rules and include these conditions in employee and subcontractor agreements, driver declarations and inductions.
Scheduling and driver speed may be adversely affected by the set:
For scheduled heavy vehicle movements, the terms of engagement with any person or subcontractor (at any level) must not directly or indirectly force, encourage, induce, or reward any driver to or for exceeding any legal or safe speed limit. This includes scheduling and payments tied in whole or part to meeting schedules or work times.
Therefore, systems and processes are required to be implemented so no demand is placed on any driver in relation to any pick-up, delivery, or transit time that would directly or indirectly force, encourage, induce or reward any driver to or for exceeding any legal or safe speed limit.
Monitoring Speed Compliance includes monitoring driver speeds against the posted speed limit with automated real-time notification of breaches via In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems. This includes reviewing the records of In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems and taking action to address any speeding breaches and record the frequency and severity of breaches as well as corrective action taken.
You must ensure and fit speed-regulated heavy vehicles with fit-for-purpose, maintained, calibrated, speed-limiting devices that have not been adjusted or tampered with. Where a speed breach is identified it shall be formally investigated and appropriate actions taken based on the outcome of the investigation.
Zenergy has a range of Chain of Responsibility (CoR) eLearning training topics including Chain of Responsibility (CoR): Fatigue, Speed, and Roadworthiness. This course is designed for Schedulers, Consignors, Consignees, Packers, Loading Managers and Loaders/ Unloaders and includes the requirements and obligations of Fatigue, Speed and Heavy Vehicle Safety and Roadworthiness under the Chain of Responsibility and the Heavy Vehicle National Law
This course includes Module 2. Speed Compliance which provides the requirements and obligations for Speed Compliance, practical solutions, and the key elements of managing the risks of speed compliance in your business and specific requirements and obligations which include license requirements, scheduling, speed breaches, monitoring speed compliance, and speed limiter tampering.
Zenergy's experienced consultants can assist in the development of CoR Transport Safety Management System (TSMS) documentation and conducting independent audits of your Management System documentation for management of transport safety including Chain of Responsibility (CoR) provision to ensure meets their responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).
For more information on our services feel free to email us at info@zenergygroup.com.au or call 1300 333 400.
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For more information on our services feel free to email us on -
info@zenergygroup.com.au or call 1300 333 400
25 Brisbane Street
Surry Hills
Sydney NSW 2010
Level 23, Tower 5, Collins Square
727 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3008
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Brisbane QLD 4000
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