Our Professional Services team has been hard at work this month, training and advising various organisations and their supply chains on Chain of Responsibility. In addition to the existing on-site training, elearning and webinars, the past few weeks have seen the creation of an augmented reality app so that Graeme Agnew, our Senior CoR Consultant and trainer, can provide just-in-time guidance to drivers, loaders and supervisors on load restraint through their phone or tablet.
The load restraint augmented reality app is initially focussed on loads such as excavators or pre-cast concrete such as above but has been designed to be expanded to allow additional examples based on the operational context of different projects and customers.
Graeme commented after the green screen session: “There’s a lot of detail that goes into getting the models correct. Part of the challenge has been creating virtual examples that are realistic and consistent enough but also show users the common issues and errors they need to look out for across different situations and load configurations. I’m very pleased with the results and really looking forward to seeing this in use.”
The first customer-specific release of the augmented reality app is at the end of June.
If you are interested in deploying a version for your organisation, please contact Owen Corey.
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info@zenergygroup.com.au or call 1300 333 400
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