Chain of responsibility is more than a bolt-on imperative with which organisations must comply. It should be a core focus of their risk management.
What are the key messages you are sharing in Zenergy’s “Change Room” Program?
The centre of what I share with participants is the dualistic nature of being a human. You can’t have excitement without fear, to experience joy often the consequence of failure exists, to get fit you need to overcome fatigue.
All this is based around the formula of stress + rest = growth.
From a personal perspective what have you got out of your interaction with participants at the program?
As someone reasonably new to the program my view of the challenges being experienced is pretty fresh but being amongst a group of people who have shown up to find a better way to experience life than they currently are is pretty inspirational. It also is a reminder of how blessed many of us are in life not to overcome extreme adversity.
The progress these people make in such a short period of time is pretty amazing and humbling at the same time. It’s great to play a part in it.
To have someone come up to you and say “thank you so much you’ve changed my life” is mind-blowing.
What have you learnt of the other mentors?
As said, I’m pretty new to it all but the stuff on diet from Mini has immediately changed the way I eat, and I thought I had that pretty well covered. Nam’s breathing has certainly taken my recovery from exercise and preparation for good sleep to another level. Ali Walker’s presentation on human connection really links in well with what I present.
Actually, the way it all links together is pretty impressive.
It’s great to be a part of it.
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