Chain of Responsibility Audits

Regular audits, both internal and external are the best means to gauge performance and ensure all parties are complying with legislative requirements. This may include auditing of potential supply chain parties to ensure too that they are meeting their obligations under CoR.

Desktop Audit

Zenergy recognises Principal Contractors requirements to ensure assurance that their Contractors Transport Safety Management System meets their responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).


Zenergy conducts independent audits of their Management System documentation for management of transport safety including Chain of Responsibility (CoR) provision to ensure meets their responsibilities under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

Chain of Responsibility (CoR) Implementation Audits are conducted on the implementation of the organisation’s Management System/ Contract requirements for management of transport safety including Chain of Responsibility (CoR) provision under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) for the organisation or a specific Project.


Zenergy Transport audits are focused on identifying opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's operations on a specific project.

What we do

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1300 333 400
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